Have you been meditating for at least a year ? You would qualify for entry to the Diploma of Meditation and Mindfulness, which starts on the first of March
There may be many meditation teacher training programs around at present . The difference about this one is that it is very broad and thorough.
What you will learn in a practical sense is how to lead a class, construct your lessons in a way that will deliver what you intend to deliver. (How will you know?)
As well as that you will learn the difference between various ways of meditating and the approaches to meditating -the differences between them are sometimes huge. You will explore how meditation entered the modern era and became a health practice – and how that differs from the historic understanding.
You’ll be able to teach whatever method you would like, but you will make a more informed choice with a comprehensive understanding. Instead of being trained in only one way, you will have the breadth of meditation practice over centuries to choose from.
The program will give you insight into the sorts of things that make people feel stressed in the first place. Many people come to meditation to reduce their stress and learn to relax. This is a minimal approach to meditation, however that is what many people will come to you for. It’s a great thing, isn’t it, to know that there are some very predictable ways that people behave when they choose their reactions without much understanding. They – and you – could choose to respond rather than reacting with no awareness.
The course teaches you also the fundamentals of research and being able to understand science research papers. That leads us to a basic understanding of meditation and the brain.
So you get the practical, the broad view and the scientific view, in an immersive experience of the deeper aspects of meditation.
The course is led by Swami Shantanananda (Mataji) with Danni Brown and Sarasvati Sally Dawson. Here is mataji’s meditation teaching CV
Note: You may choose also to do an extension course in teaching Still-mind Meditation. To qualify, you will need a longer practice than one year, and you will need to satisfy Mataji of your understanding of outcomes and potential difficulties of teaching this deeper meditation process.
The course is recognised by Meditation Australia. It runs at our Blackburn premises – Blackburn Meditation and Mindfulness, at 6A Main St Blackburn, which is a branch of the Australian College of Classical Yoga
Ph 9878 8302 or email [email protected]