Reaching the consciousness that is deeper than thinking; the Being which is more stable than your personality
This will be a weekend of immersion in peace of mind. Finding out more about how to live from the new perspective where the ego is object and self is quiet awareness.
Where? At Aligning Health Retreat and Spa, in Axedale near Bendigo
When? 4.00 pm Friday 12th February to 3.00 pm Sunday 14th February

This Meditation Retreat is a time to meditate, walk, relax, and find the true peace of your own consciousness.
There will be time for yourself, at the deepest level, through the programmed sessions, and also quiet time walking, alone or with a congenial companion, or just sitting by yourself.
The Program
The program will include
Twice daily still-mind meditation times – an hour at dawn and twilight (optional but you can do it!)
A program of explorations of how the deep stillness of meditation can be experienced in daily life, and what difference it makes to your experience of yourself and the world – for example, exercises in how to observe your mind.
Traditions where still-mind meditation is the central theme:
We focus on an immediacy of experience, in our own time and current language.
However, still-mind meditation has been central to many traditions – Zen, for instance, Taoism in China, Shaivism and Advaita in India… and because they focus on still-mind, the outcomes are the same however expressed in their different cultures. We’ll look at the similarities to find the universal.
Great food
Our host home-cook great meals based on Ayurvedic principles
Free time for absorbing and contemplating – perhaps while walking in the bushland environs of the retreat – typical Australian dry scrubland It’s what met the early settlers, bushrangers and gold prospectors. The retreat is about less than 10 km out of the rural city of Bendigo. The amazing Buddhist stupa is in the district, too – why not book an extra day with our hosts at Aligning Health and explore the outer after you have sat with the inner for a weekend!
If you wish, you may book a half-hour private chat with Mataji, for no fee; a chat with her often helps people put things into perspective.
Further info:
Practical matters
fees, accommodation etc…
Curious questions
that folks sometimes have about retreat…