Tag Archives: article
Truthfulness …Being Truthful to Yourself – so that you can be truthful about yourself
Truthfulness is a strange phenomenon. Scrupulous truth-telling may not be the same as real truthfulness. (Why?) Likewise with lying. A persistent liar is very unlikely to be able to be truthful to himself. And if untruthful to themselves, neither the scrupulous … Continue reading
Let ’em think what they like!
Do you try to make sure people understand you? Waste of time! After you have said your bit as best you can, take as a given that your hearers will filter your communication through their own preconceptions. For your listeners, “you” … Continue reading
Surrender: True, or False?
A question that vexes yogis – when is surrender true abandonment of the ego, and when is it only an ego-hijacking of spiritual aspiration? Let’s think about some examples of both…
I Like Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor lives in a cold, hard place – rejected by most of his peers , alcoholic, insightful, fights a lot and yet has his own integrity and a surprising kindness.
On Turning 65
It’s a good age, and I am glad to be 65… though it is a time for reviewing and perhaps re-evaluating. No time for illusions, that’s for sure. I think the best year of my life, the standout one, was 60 … Continue reading
Meditation – being comfortable with reality
Meditation can do more for us than relieve stress. Continue reading
Shivaratri – the night of Shiva, the dark night of the moon when God makes his presence felt most strongly… ahh, don’t you feel it somewhere deep and intimate? Of course I want to stay up all night and welcome … Continue reading
Chatting with Patanjali
Patanjali explains himself in this conversation. What are the Yoga Sutras really about? Is Patanjali non-dualist or dualist? what difference does it make? Continue reading
Monistic not Monastic
Trying to put “swami” into a Western context is like trying to squeeze a tomato through a keyhole. Sometimes a swami is regarded as a monk. That seems easy at first, as many spiritual traditions have an established and accepted order of … Continue reading
Sanskrit and me
Years ago I wanted to learn Sanskrit. I played around with internet searches and even the Teach Yourself book (yuk), read books on Indology and read about Harappa and Mohenjo Daro. Nothing, really. I was seriously interested in the Yoga Sutras … Continue reading